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HobbyKing Variable 6S 50W 5A Balancer/Charger w/ accessories

17 reviews

Input Voltage11~18v
Circuit powerMax Charge
Charge Current Range.1~6.0A
Ni-MH/NiCd cells1~15
Li-ion/Poly cells1~6
Pb battery voltage2~20v
NotePower supply not included.

The HobbyKing Variable 6S is a rapid balance-charger with a high performance microprocessor and unique operating system and equipped with very accurate factory calibrated variable resistors to balance and charge Lithium Polymer and NiMH batteries.
The HobbyKing Variable 6S will handle LiPo/LiFe up to 6S and NiMH/NiCd up to 15S and shows individual cell voltage during charge with realtime updates throughout the charge cycle.
The intuitive menu system means charging and cycling is an easy process and can be done quickly and accurately either at the field by using a 12v input such as a car battery or at home with a ...

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Found 5 years, 5 months ago at HobbyKing

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