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USB Simulator Cable

Product NameUSB Simulator Cable
Pleaser noteOn a system with only minimum system requirements,the

Minimum system requirements:, -100% Pentium III or AMD Athlon/64 compatible processor with at least 800Mhz, Recommended system requirements:, -100% Pentium IV or AMD 64 compatible processor with at least 1600Mhz,

-128MB RAM
-1GB free hard disc memory
-CD-ROM drive
-Open GL compatible graphic card with at least 64MB
-100% DirectX compatible sound card
-Windows 98,ME /2000/XP with DirectX version
-9.0b or highter
-A free USB port and a trainer output on your transmitter
-256MB RAM
-CD-ROM drive
-OpenGL compatible graphic card with at least 128MB
performance strongly depends on the currently loaded model and scenery.

Check price and availability

Found 11 years, 8 months ago

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