Remzibi OSD Package
- Supply power | 7V-14V (ex. lipo 2S - 3S) |
- weight | 16 gram (OSD + dedicated GPS) |
http | // |
http | // |
http | // |
Package Includes | Remzibi OSD |
Technical data :, Functionality :, - easily PC connection for configuration/calibration purposes using dedicated PC program (HappyKillmore's excellent work), show information DONE :, - latitude (format DDMM.MMMM or DD.DDDDDD can be chosen),
An excellent high quality, low price on screen display.
Support and information thread
- video voltage measurement range 0-15V
- engine(ENG) voltage measurement range 0-30V
- general purpose ADC measurement range - any range depended from resistor dividers or used opamps .
- Video signals - standard PAL or NTSC (both working very well)
- GPS - any GPS 5V supply with NMEA protocol with TLL standard TX RX signals (however best results and advantages are with dedicated GPS module working 5Hz update position)
- printed board size 20mmx45mm
- no RC channel occupation for proper work in air
- GPS detection and configuration automatically (configuration commands fully editable)
- auto save home function configurable , depends of sat number , button "save home" works independently
- metric(km/h) or feet(mil/h) units - configurable
- zero altitude to airfield level - configurable (absolute or relative)
- fully configurable screen layout
- graphical symbols and fonts configurable (possible exotic languages , fully editable font table)
- voltages calibration function and all ADC inputs including alarms
- frequency calibration for Hz or RPM or whatever else we want to use this input T0
button function
- save home position (short click) (work only when GPS is detected)
- video mode change (NTSC or PAL) press and hold button for about 1 second (work only when GPS is detected)
- configuration mode (pressed and hold button then connect power and relese button , font pattern on screen will appear) for USB communicate
- longitude (format DDMM.MMMM or DD.DDDDDD can be chosen)
- speed (k/m or miles/h can be chosen)
- altitude (meters or feet)
- to-home course (animated arrow or whatever else animation definable by user)
- to-home distance (meters or feet)
- satellite quantity
- video battery voltage (individually scaled and calibrated)
- main battery voltage (individually scaled and calibrated)
- flight timer
- variometer (meters/s or feet/s)
- UTC Time
- UTC Date
- alarms for distance , ADC , altitude , battery voltages (individually scaled and calibrated)
- 32 static displayed independent graphical-character symbols , configurable
- after detection 0 speed for configurable X seconds , shows maximal values for altitude , distance , speed , function can be off
- 6 ADC channels to use with any additional sensors , each ca be individually calibrate and alarm set , cooperate with any additional sensors (optionally scaled by opamp or resistor dividers) with analog output (RSSI , air pressure, current sensor , temperature , whatever else with analog output) , display format as 123 or 123.4 can be chosen
- frequency meter (RCl input resistor need 220-515ohm or T0 in new board) - can be scaled for any units by gain as Hz or RPM , cooperate with magnetic(halotron) or optical sensor - or can be used as frames counter when connected to RX output directly
- OSD have support for $MlleeTEXT custom messages - for those who want to display his own text or fonts(grphics) anywhere at display , $M can be transmitter between $GPGGA and $GPRMC GPS strings by "your device"
configuration program can be downloaded here -
so anyone who want to play with OSD ability can simply install it and try even without OSD .
Here is the help web side
- still in development
All new version of PC software are simply updated by internet , include new OSD firmware files as well as new Font files and eeprom (BIN) , USB drivers etc. . Also latest firmware are available to download from this post .
Here is the thread with some more technical information and tips(like connecting current sensors , temperature sensors , RPM sensors etc.)
done by Remzibi -
GPS Receiver
Wires (as shown)
Check price and availability
Found 11 years, 9 months ago