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UNO 5.8 GHz Receiver V2 - ImmersionRC/Fatshark

Frequencies (NexwaveRF)5740MHz, 5760MHz, 5780MHz, 5800MHz, 5820MHz, 5840MHz, 5860MHz (ISM band).

Details:, ImmersionRC UNO 5.8GHz receiver. It's an great an inexpensive option for those whom likes the perfomance of a standalone receiver. The UNO has an excellent performance about -90dBm sensitivity making it a great match for your video transmitter., Specifications:, , Package Includes:,

To get the best performance out of any receiver we recommend upgrading the antenna to a high gain antenna.
For information about the best antennas for 5
.8 GHz, take a quick look at our FAQ question.

90dBm typical sensitivity.

Dual buffered audio and video outputs

Power, Audio, Video and Control.

6-13 VDC (2S or 3S Li-Po battery can be used to powe it).

High Bandwidth Stereo Audio.

UNO 5.8GHz  receiver.

Whip 1.5dBi antenna.

A/V cable with RCA female.

Power cable.

Check price and availability

Found 11 years, 9 months ago

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