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Arduino LCD Keypad Shield

13 reviews

Operating Voltage5VDC
Dimensions80 x 58 x 22mm

Features:, • Easy to read 16x2 blue LCD screen, Modified LCD4Bit Interface:, In order to preserve the SPI port for future use, the Digital IO pins DB7-10 and pin11 & pin 12 used in the original LCD4Bit library have been moved to DB4-7 and pin 8 & pin 9 respectively., Keypad:, The keypad consists of 5 push buttons — SELECT, LEFT, UP, DOWN and RIGHT plus a RESET button. To save the digital IO pin resource, the keypad interface only uses one ADC channel. The key value is read through a 5 stage resistor voltage divider. When a key is pressed, the ADC reads the voltage value through the voltage divider; then the voltage value is compared to the voltage value threshold stored in an array to identify which key has been pressed., Specs:,

This LCD Keypad Shield (male pin connector) for Arduino comprises of a 16x2 blue LCD display and 6 momentary push buttons, from left to right, SELECT, LEFT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT and RESET. The shield can be directly plugged onto an Arduino Duemilanove board, making soldering or fly-wiring for connection unnecessary. Pins 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are used as the interface to the LCD.

• Adjustable contrast
• Laminated design and easy to expand
• Using modified LCD4Bit Interface

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Found 11 years, 2 months ago

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