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GoProHD Camera Cable (Audio and Video)

Please note on the new ReadyMadeRC connectors shipped after Dec 12, 2010The wire colors do not correspond totally to the function of each wire.  They are
RedNot Used
Yellow or WhiteAudio

An audio/video cable for the GoPro Hero HD (version 1 and 2) Camera.  On one side, the angled 2.5mm 4 conductor connector linked to a servo cable, and on the other end two servo connectors: one for video and ground, and a second servo connector for audio (mono).  A total length of 12 inches (30cm)., ,

Not compatible with the Hero 3 cameras.

Easily connects directly to many OSD's, and can connect to other OSD's and transmitters by using the various ReadyMadeRC cables and jumper wires located

Check price and availability

Found 6 years, 11 months ago

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