Samurai ARF RC Sailplane AIRFRAME ONLY
Wingspan | 69 in. |
Length | 41-3/4 in. |
Wing area | 462 sq in. |
Technical Specifications:, Samurai ARF AIRFRAME ONLY Specs:, Flying Weight:, 33 oz. (with battery),
Versatile easy to transport high performance glider
69 in. wingspan, 41-3/4 in. long, 462 sq. in. wing area, 33 oz. flying weight. This is an example of how great things can come in small packages. Seriously, the box is tiny! Samurai is packed with everything that you could want in an almost ready to fly sailplane. The fiberglass fuselage and carbon fiber tail boom is top notch and easily assembled. The wings come in three parts and are sheeted foam beautifully covered in genuine Oracover. A good photo-illustrated step-by-step instruction manual makes assembly an easy process. The instructions show the use of HS-125 thin wing servos and HS-65MG servos in the fuselage, we choose a much more economical approach using our
eRC 8g
servos throughout. We have flown the plane extensively and are very pleased with the results.
This is a 5-servo plane with individual aileron servos, a single servo each for flaps, elevator and rudder. It's not just a floater either; Samurai has excellent aerobatic capabilities and a brisk roll rate with good energy retention. You'll be equally at home flying from a flat field or on the slope; the low drag airframe will put a smile on your face. This airframe only version requires a power system and radio equipment to be ready for flight.
Samurai ARF Manual PDF
Read about Sloping with Sailplanes on Hobby Lobby's Blog
Fiberglass fuselage w/aluminum motor mount
Carbon fiber tailboom
Sheeted foam wings w/genuine Oracover
Check price and availability
Found 11 years, 9 months ago