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iMax Gyro-G192

- Dimension22*22*12.8mm
- Input signal1.5+0.5ms
- Input voltage5VDC
Suitable for following brand helicopter- Align 450

Feature:, - Used for nitro engine and electric helicopter., - Weight:9g,

- Dual sensibility adjustment--head locked model and standard model.
- Be suitable for 4CH transmitter.
- With a built-in temperature equalizing electrocircuit.
- The gain value can be adjusted value can be adjusted through 6CH transmitter.

- Walkera 36, 39, 55, 60 ...etc
- ARK X400
- Zoom & Black Hawk 400
- Esky King 2, Belt-CP, G-smart, Cheetan 450
- 3DX 450

Check price and availability

Found 11 years, 8 months ago

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