CO-16 OLED Display Module v1.0
•Dimension | 27mmX27mm |
•Height | 6.5mm |
•Weight | 3.7g/4.9g(include cable) |
Important:, If the OLED Mdodule display abnormal when MultiWii FC started, please try to off/on power of FC again in 15~20 seconds., Features:, •High brightness, self-emission, high contrast ratio, CO-16 OLED connected to the SE V1.0 FC Board:,
•monochrome 128×64 dot
•5V I2C interface
•Used for telemetry and debug MultiWii FC.
Package content
•CO-16 OLED Display Module x 1
•4Pin cable 100mm x1
Check price and availability
Found 11 years, 9 months ago