DJI Wireless Data Link Module Set w/Bluetooth Module And Can Hub
2.4G Bluetooth Datalink | ACE ONE, WKM, NAZA-M, NAZA-M V2; iPAD Ground Station |
With the click & go flight and touch screen joystick control you can use your iPad to control the aircraft. The software now only supports Bluetooth 4.0 iPad devices (such as: the iPad 3 the iPad mini and the iPad 4)., RF Data Rate:, Indoor / Urban Range:, Outdoor / RF Line-of-Sight Range:, Transmitter Power:, Receiver Sensitivity:, Power Consumption:, Frequency Band:, Serial Data Rate:, Antenna Type:, Operating Temperature:, Operating Humidity:, Dimensions:, Weight (With Antenna):, Power requirement:, Transmit Current:, Receiver Current:,
Want to make your multirotor iPad controllable and add waypoint functions?
With the DJI Wireless Data Link hardware, you simply need an iPad to make your multi-rotor carry out a flight course pre-set on the ground control station software. The DJI iOS app can access the parameters to allow the user to change them with ease or set waypoints wirelessly. Flight data and key flight information are clearly transmitted and displayed to the monitor device.
The iOS includes the 2.4 GHz bluetooth datalink and way point licence. 50 waypoints for the WooKong M and 16 waypoints for the Naza M V2, these are enabled after a firmware upgrade ...
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Found 5 years, 5 months ago