GoPro Camera Mount for MK Hexa/Okto
This GoPro Hero camera mount comes installed underneath, in the center of gravity of the Mikrokpter. It is also possible to install further to the front, so the wide angle of the GoPro will catch only minimal parts from the landing gear or the front outrigger. Installing it in such position we have achieved two important goals:, All motors work equally since nothing is off balance, Features:, Low cost, minimal parts. Pieces are CNC cut from 1.7mm G10/FR4, Package contains:, All necessary plates, screws, nuts and washers, Note:, Assembly required., Cables:, Do not forget to pick up a GoPro FPV cable from here:, GoPro Camera Cables, Demo Videos:, Outdoor testing - click here, Note:, This kit comes with a mounting plate which either replaces of can be sandwitched under the battery holding plate on Hexa and Optokopters. Additional mountig plates for Quads will be available soon., Assembly documentation:, Click here to open or download (2Mb),
New Generation Hobbies is proud to present this low cost light weight pan and tilt GoPro Hero camera mount for Hexa and Optokopters.
The landing gear is not in the view of the camera - even if using wide angle lenses.
Strong robust design
No vibrations
Camera can be tilted from 0 (horizontal) to 90 degrees (looking vertically down)
Easy GoPro removal, the camera is held in place by a valcro hook and loop
Minimal weight added to the Mikrokotper for very steady video
8" Valcro hook and loop
2 x Hitec HS65HB Feather servos
Indoor flight test - click here
Outdoor flight test - click here
Check price and availability
Found 11 years, 9 months ago