Futaba BLS276SV S.Bus 2 Ultra High Speed Brushless Servo with Heatsink
Weight:, Size:, Torque:, Speed:, Voltage:, Motor:, Type:, Ball Bearing:, Plug:, Do not connect this servo directly to a receiver. Always connect to a gyro. cannot be used applications other than those listed above or damage may occur.,
Futaba high voltage, ultra high speed brushless S.Bus2 programmable metal gear servos offer incredible holding power and increased overall life compared to standard servos fitted with brushed motors. The servos are fully programmable and compatible with S.Bus and S.Bus2 and are Lipo ready with a maximum input voltage of 7.4v (2s LiPo packs). The servo also features dual ball bearing supported output shaft for smoother operation.
The BLS276SV has been specifically designed for use on helicopter tail rotors and works at an amazing 0.050 sec / 60 degree speed!
• Compatible with the Futaba CGY750, GY701, GY520, GY430, GY611, GY601 gyros
• Brushless motor offers incredible holding power and 5X longer life
than servos equipped with brushed motors
• Ultra high speed
• Handles up to 2S LiPo power
• Programmable and compatible with S.Bus and S.Bus2
• Dual ball bearing supported output shaft
HV BLS276SV HS S.Bus2 servo with instructions and mounting hardware
21mm diameter Round Horn
45mm diameter Round Horn
39mm four point Horn
32mm six point Horn
Four each, grommets, eyelets and mounting screws
Check price and availability
Found 10 years, 6 months ago