Futaba NT8S700B Transmitter NiCd 9C 9CS 700mAh FUTNT8S700B
, Length:, 4" (103mm), Width:, 1-1/4" (31mm), Height:, 1-1/4" (31mm), Weight:, 195 grams, Regular Charge Rate:, 70mAh for 15 hours, Fast Charge Rate:, 210mAh for 5 hours, ,
This is a 9.6V, 700mAh Transmitter NiCad for the following Futaba Radios:
9C, 8U series, 7 NFK, 6DA, 6VA, 6NFK, 6NPK, 9VAP (S), 9VHP (S).
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Found 11 years, 7 months ago