FY-G3 Ultra 3-Axis Handheld Gimbal
MANUAL | http |
Suppliers | FeiYu-Tech |
Packing Weight | 0.8 kg |
Single Weight | 0.305 kg |
Function Instruction Video | http |
Our youtube channel | https |
The newest FY-G3 Ultra Handheld steady Gimbal is more easy to operate , and it can made you to record the beautiful memories perfectly with easy. It has three mode : Heading following mode , Heading and Picthing following mode and Lock mode ( heading , Picthing and Rolling, all of these are locked ).,
Function Instruction
● Heading Following Mode
—— Pitch and roll locking, heading smooth rotation follow the direction of the handheld.
● Heading And Pitch Following Mode
—— Roll locking ,heading and pitch smooth rotation follow the direction of the handheld.
● Locking Mode
—— Heading ,pitch and roll locking.
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Found 10 years, 3 months ago