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Maxwell-MX306BB Servo (High Speed)

Weight6.6 grams / 0.23oz.
Dimensions22 x 10 x 23 mm / 0.86 x 0.4 x 0.9 inch
Torque At 4.8V0.8kg/cm , 12 oz/in
Speed At 4.8V0.10 sec / 60 deg at no load
Motor Type3 pole magnetic motor

This servo comes with JR/Hitec S Connector also known as a "Universal Connector". Even thought this servo comes with JR/Hitec S Connectors, this servo is electrically compatible with Futaba receivers. Follow the wiring diagram below. If you hook this up incorrectly nothing bad will happen to the servo. Just flip the S connector and around and the servo will work correctly.

1.       Carbon nylon gear
2.       curve gear with smooth.
3.       M6.4 ball bearing
4.       Extra Strong torque with low signal affect and success get CE
5.       fitting case for waterproof

Check price and availability

Found 11 years, 3 months ago

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