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GoProHD Pan and Tilt Kit

NoteVideo shows prototype, pictures show final production version.

Finally, a way to record in high definition while flying FPV! I've designed a tilt assembly that holds the GoProHD camera allowing for the beautiful recordings of your FPV flights.*
The kit includes all the wood parts and hardware along with a strong HS-65HB servos for the pan and tilt so that you can assemble in less than an hour.  Designed to fit right on our FPV pods (sold separately), it can also be used as a stand alone pan/tilt setup installed directly in your vehicle.

This kit contains the parts for the pan tilt assembly.  GoProHD not included.  Couple that with an FPV pod (choosing the "no pan/tilt module" option) and you'll have a complete high definition pod for your plane!

*Currently requires some "hacking" to get live video out. See
for details.

Check price and availability

Found 11 years, 9 months ago

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